[Red Lakes Reconstruction: Logwood]
Name: Cindy and Yuan (Kathryn and Siddhartha)
Date and Time:
2015.October.19, 11:45am
Location: Chandler 260
Station 1
- 11:45 start brazil wood recipe using logwood in 200 ml distilled water/potassium carbonate mixture, boiling on hot plate set at 3 in 250 ml beaker
- unboiled logwood mixture the color of dark red wine
- 11:50 48 degrees C (Siddhartha)
- 11:58 started boiling, lower hot plate to 2
- 12:04 turn hot plate up to 4 (brazilwood in larger 1000ml beaker has finished boiling and been taken off and filtered)
- 12:10 rolling boil, turn hot plate back down to 1
- 12:14 boiled to 150 ml, take off heat, filter into jar, 66 degrees C, deep blackish purple color
- 12:16 pour potash/distilled water solution while stirring into logwood mixture, dark purple effervescence
- cannot measure PH, color too deep and dyes PH strip
- 11:54 add 6 g potash alum in 50 ml distilled water
- heat and stir on hot plate on 3
- 11:58 fully dissolved (started to boil), take off hot plate
- 1:18 filtering logwood, liquid coming through very clearly, sediment left in filter

- note time
- note (changing) conditions in the room
- note temperature of ingredients to be processed (e.g. cold from fridge, room temperature etc.)
- document materials, equipment, and processes in writing and with photographs
- notes on ingredients and equipment (where did you get them? issues of authenticity)
- note precisely the scales and temperatures you used (please indicate how you interpreted imprecise recipe instruction)
- see also our informal template for recipe reconstructions